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9 Essential Botanicals for Enhancing the Essences...



PASSION FLOWER EXTRACT (20:1) – Passiflora Incarnata:

Passion Flower Extract (20:1 Concentration) - Passiflora Incarnata

✔️ New Sizes: 4, 5 & 6 oz

Passion Flower (Passiflora Incarnata) aka Maypop,  is a climbing vine native to Central & South America as well as the southeastern U.S. They produce some of the most interesting & beautiful flowers that nature can provide. The P. Incarnata’s flowers range from purple to white with some yellow in the center, however, other species can be red, white or some combination thereof. Passiflora Incarnata (maypop) has a long history of use as a traditional medicine by Native Americans in North America and were adapted by European colonists.  BUY HERE! 

Traditional Uses: Can enhance similar plants (use with caution, start low at circa 25-50 mg). 

  • The leaves (fresh, dried or extracted) are traditionally used to make a tea, encapsulated or used as is for sedative purposes.
  • Passiflora Incarnata is known to potentiate other herbs & medications, use with caution.
  • Passiflora Incarnata has been used to relieve anxiety, fight insomnia, reduce stress, for assistance with attention deficit disorders & several other conditions.
  • Full Details HERE


ASHWAGANDHA EXTRACT (2.5%) – Withania Somnifera::

Ashwagandha Extract (Withania somnifera)

✔️ New Sizes: 4, 5 & 6 oz

BUY HERE!  As an adaptogenic plant, it increases the body’s resistance to stress along with superb antioxidant properties. Among the ayurvedic Rasayana herbs, Ashwagandha is the most important. Most Rasayana herbs are adaptogens aka anti-stress agents.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is aka “Indian Winter cherry” & “Indian Ginseng”. It is a very important herb in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition…Full Details HERE

Traditional Uses: Can be used as a tool to help reset/refresh the efficacy of other plants including coffee & kratom (alongside symbiotic plants such as Rhodiola & Chinese Cat’s Claw).


Akuamma 25% Enriched Powder Extract - Picralima Nitida Seed

✔️ Capsules: Back in Stock

25% Enriched Akuamma Extract: 25% stronger than the standard Akuamma.  Available in Capsules & as Raw Powder. BUY HERE! 

Used mainly as an aid for body aches/pains. Akuammine is the most abundant active alkaloid found in the seeds & is structurally related to mitragynine (Kratom). The dried seeds from this plant are used traditionally throughout West Africa, particularly in Ghana as well as in the Ivory Coast and Nigeria…Full Details HERE

Traditional Uses: Can enhance similar plants (use with caution, start low at circa 50 mg).


Chinese Cat's Claw Extract (20:1 Concentration) - Uncaria Rhynchophylla

✔️ New Sizes: 4, 5 & 6 oz

Chinese Cat’s Claw should not be confused with Uncaria tomentosa (aka Cat’s Claw), because they are different plants with different benefits, altogether.   BUY HERE! 

Traditional Uses: Can be used as a tool to help reset/refresh the efficacy of other plants including coffee & kratom (alongside symbiotic plants such as Ashwagandha & Rhodiola).

Uncaria Rhynchophylla aka Gou-Teng, is a plant species used in traditional Chinese medicine. The term ‘Gou-Teng’ means “fish hook vine’, due to the interesting hook-like thorns that grow on the branches. It has been used as an adaptogen (rejuvenation) in traditional Chinese & Japanese…Full Details HERE


Rhodiola Rosea Extract (3% Salidrosides)

✔️ New Sizes: 4, 5 & 6 oz

Rhodiola Rosea ‘Salidrosides’ is an adaptogenic plant yielding anti-stress properties. Extracts have been used as an aid to enhance the natural resistance of the body to both physical & behavioral stresses for fighting fatigue…   BUY HERE! 

Rhodiola (also known as golden root or rose root) has long been used in traditional preparations, especially in Russia, Scandinavia & China. The Vikings & many other Northern Europeans used Rhodiola to improve…Full Details HERE

Traditional Uses: Can be used as a tool to help reset/refresh the efficacy of other plants including coffee & kratom (alongside symbiotic plants such as Ashwagandha & Chinese Cat’s Claw).



Valerian Root Extract
BUY HERE! Valeriana officinalis – is an herbal remedy that has been known since the Ancient Greeks wrote about it. Hippocrates, the famed Greek doctor for whom the Hippocratic Oath came from, used valerian root to treat insomnia. It is native to Europe & Asia, but now also grows in North America.

Traditional Uses: Can enhance similar plants (use with caution, start low at circa 2 – 3 gm).



Akuamma (Picralima Nitida) Seed Powder Kratom Alternatives
Picralima nitida, aka the Akuamma tree.  Available in Capsules & as Raw Powder. BUY HERE!
Used mainly as an aid for body aches/pains. Akuammine is the most abundant active alkaloid found in the seeds & is structurally related to mitragynine (Kratom).

The dried seeds from this plant are used traditionally throughout West Africa, particularly in Ghana as well as in the Ivory Coast and Nigeria…Full Details HERE

Traditional Uses: Can enhance similar plants (use with caution, start low at circa 50 mg).


Incarvillea Sinensis 100:1 Extract - Herbal Pain, Insomnia, Anxiety Support
Incarvillea Sinensis is a little-known Chinese herb known for centuries, at the least. Available in 20:1 & 100:1 extract concentrations. BUY HERE! 

Traditional Uses: Can enhance similar plants (use with caution, start low at circa 2 – 3gm).

It has been used as a tool to help aid many different kinds of pain including joint aches, arthritis, sinus headaches & may also be helpful with instances anxiety… Full Details HEREof insomnia, restlessness &


Kava Extract - 40% Kavalectones - Super Concentrated - Piper Methysticum - Instant Kava - Kratom Alternatives
40% kavalectones, full spectrum, standardized extract. This product is around 5 x as concentrated as a standard Kava Root Powder…   BUY HERE! 

Kava Kava (Piper Methysticum) has a long history throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean. It’s active ingredients are called ‘kavalectones’…Full Details HERE

Traditional Uses: Can enhance similar plants (use with caution, start low at circa 2 – 3gm).

9 Essential Botanicals for Enhancing the Essences...

Post Categories: Kratom Articles, Kratom News, Kratom News & Updates, Kratom Promotions, Kratom Promotions & Coupons, Uncategorized
Post Tags: Akuamma, Ashwagandha, Boosters, Chinese Cat's Claw, Enhancements, Enhancers, Incarvillea Sinensis, Kava Extract, Passion Flower, Rhodiola, Valerian Root

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