20% OFF Kratom Cuttings + 2 New Strains: Green Elephant & Red Vein Kalimantan

Green Elephant & Red Vein Kalimantan Strains - Live Kratom Rooted Plants

New Kratom Tree Strains Available!

Green Elephant Kratom &  Red Vein Kalimantan

Our new Green Elephant kratom trees (from Borneo) have exceptionally large leaves, especially for their age. The leaves on this strain are circa 5 to 10 times larger than other strains. Generally, this can be due to it’s age and/or strain-specific characteristics, as is the case with the phenotype of the tree cuttings that we’re offering here at KratomEye.com. This tree grows very fast, tall and wide (especially when pruned). The leaf colors range from light-green to yellowish-green with vein colors that can range from pure green to a gradation between green, white, yellow and pink. As the tree gets larger and older, these gargantuan Mitragyna Speciosa leaves can resemble an elephant’s ears!

Our new Red Vein Kalimantan kratom trees are very attractive, they offer a unique aesthetic elegance which makes this a truly special red strain. These Red Kali trees grow much faster than most strains, more or less as fast as our Green Elephant strain. The leaves are often long & slender while some are very long and wide, which makes it an interesting hybrid. The leaf colors range from dark to yellowish greens with beautifully crimson veins flowing through them like red rivers drifting with vessels of nutrients…

These plant cuttings are sold without roots, pre-dipped in rooting hormone & inside of rockwool cubes ready for the customer to root them. Please note that it is the customer’s responsibility to research growing techniques & information that falls outside of the instructions provided by Kratom Eye with each plant order.

Green Elephant & Red Vein Kalimantan Strains - Live Kratom Rooted Plants

Other Kratom Strains Include:

Bumble Bee

Live Kratom Cuttings - Bumbe Bee Vietnam Strain

Rifat (Thailand)

Live Kratom Cuttings - Rifat Thai Strain

Post Categories: Kratom Articles, Kratom News, Kratom News & Updates, Kratom Promotions, Kratom Promotions & Coupons
Post Tags: Discounted Kratom Plants, Green Elephant Borneo Plants, Kratom Plant Cuttings, Kratom Plants, Non-Rooted Kratom Plants, Red Vein Kalimantan Plants
25% OFF for VENVS Week > 15 Strains Here <