Kratom Legality Battles 2017 (State by State Updates)



 Join the Fight AGAINST the FDA's War on Kratom


Above is a list of states that have been on the ban list for the last few years. Thanks to the American Kratom Association & Botanical Education Alliance as well as the amazing efforts of the kratom community, we have had a great many successes.

This list is to illustrate that we DO and CAN have an effect on the outcomes. We hope that this motivates those who do not feel empowered, with or without you we will fight on for our personal liberties but ‘with’ you, we have more of a chance. This country was based on

freedom and liberties, we can not let the ignorant and/or ill-willed entities further take these from us…

Please make a donation to one or both of the organizations fighting to keep kratom legal in ALL states.  Every little bit counts, even $5, $10 or $20!



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Post Tags: #IAmKratom, Keep Kratom Legal, Kratom Legality Updates

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